Drug Rehab in Stafford, VA

Call us (540) 217-6446

Stafford, VA

Drug Rehab Center in Stafford, Virginia

Dealing with addiction is not easy. However, at Morton Wellness Center, our drug rehab center in Stafford, Virginia, we can provide you with the help that you need. If you give us a call, we can tell you more about our facility and why it might be the best choice for your recovery.

Why Our Addiction Recovery Facility is the Best Choice

There is no shortage of drug rehab centers out there, so you might be wondering why our addiction treatment center in Stafford is your best choice. The truth is that our staff members are one of the main things that makes us the best. We only employ the best and most experienced staff members, and we ensure that everyone who works in our addiction recovery center is compassionate, understanding, and caring. We use various methods to help you get clean and to provide you with support, and you'll know that you can trust and rely on our staff members all along the way.

Our Addiction Treatment Facility Will Help You Detox

If you're ready to reach your recovery goals, the first step that you have to follow is to detox. Unfortunately, this is not always as easy as it might seem. It's not just about staying away from drugs and alcohol, which is easier said than done for someone with addiction issues. It's also about watching out for the dangerous side effects that can go along with withdrawals.

Our Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Will Provide You With Support

Our addiction recovery program involves several different methods of providing you with necessary support. One of the biggest things that we focus on -- and that not all addiction recovery centers put a focus on like they should -- is determining if the client could benefit from dual diagnosis mental health treatment. Roughly half of our clients have co-occurring mental health issues that have never been addressed, or that have not been addressed properly. This can cause people to want to self-medicate, which can make addiction issues that much more difficult to deal with.

We strive to identify and help with these issues. In sessions and classes, you can also get to the bottom of the other aspects of your drug or alcohol abuse. Additionally, you can get support from the other clients who are seeking treatment in our facility. Many people find that this is helpful, since they are able to talk to others who understand their issues and what they have been through and are going through right now. Plus, as always, you can lean on our staff for support and compassion.

Our Drug Rehab Facility Will Give You Information for the Future

You have a long road ahead of you, both in our facility and once you go home. We don't want to just forget about you when you leave, however. Instead, we want to make sure that you when you leave our facility, you are as prepared as possible to face the world and stay sober.

Because of this, we focus on sharing as much information with our clients as possible when it comes to recovery. We will help you work on coping techniques for staying sober once you're back out into the world and are no longer in our structured and monitored setting. We will also help you explore some of your options for support once you leave, such as helping you find meetings and counselors who you can work with once you go home. When you leave, we want you to feel strong and mentally prepared to face what is ahead of you.

Our drug detox clinic is a top-of-the-line facility for your addiction recovery needs. If you live in or around Stafford, Virginia and are ready to start taking positive steps for your future, we can help. If you contact us today, we can answer your questions, tell you more about our addiction recovery center and get you started toward a path of sobriety. It's sure to be one of the best decisions that you'll ever make in your life.